How to uninstall 3rd party extension
- You need contact the extension developer to get instructions on how to remove the extension?
- The instruction should provide the following information:
- How to revert back Database Table changes
- How to revert back Database Data changes
- Which files should be removed or reverted back
- If it's a composer package, then modify the composer.json under repository and remove the package name by composer remove <package-name> command.
- If it's a stand-alone extension, then remove the physical files from your repository (usually app/code/Vendor-name/Module-name
- If config.php is commited, remove removed extension from config.php
- Commit the changes
- Ensure on your local Database that provided instructions are works.
- Test on staging environment modules are disabled properly, the website works properly
- Push to re-deploy
- Only after it is tested and confirmed will you perform such changes on a Production environment.